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TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/16) – TNA/GFW Go To War, New Knockouts Champion Crowned, EC3 Clashes With A Old Rival

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
September 16th 2015
Report By Joshua Lopez for

 Team TNA vs. Team GFW Contract Signing 

Jeremy Borash is in the ring and hypes up the massive clash between Team TNA and Team GFW tonight. Borash also talks about working for TNA since the beginning. Borash introduces Jeff & Karen Jarrett and then of course Dixie Carter. Jeff helps Dixie to her seat. Borash goes over the rules for tonight’s Lethal LockDown Match. The winning team will have full ownership of TNA Impact Wrestling. Borash let’s Dixie have her opening statement. Carter said it’s sad that it’s gotten to this point. Carter says that Jarrett actions cause him his ownership of the company. Carter wanted to rewrite the ending of their partnership and now she’s focusing on the future. Carter said that she will always stand by the people who work for this company. Carter said that after tonight Jarrett will no longer have ownership in TNA. Carter signs the contract.

Jeff said that tonight is a moment in history. Jeff said that tonight is about the professional wrestling business moving forward. Jeff brings up Eric Young and how he’s investing in GFW even though he hates Jeff Jarrett guts. Jeff said that he invested his blood, sweat and tears for TNA, so he has every right to seat in this table. Jeff said that Carter made the fatal mistake when she let him go of power. Jeff thanks his wife for standing by him with this corporate takeover. Jeff said that tonight will be the final nail in the coffin. Jeff said tonight is not about Jeff it’s about Karen, his children and Global Force Wrestling. Jeff said that Carter will be in the outside of the wrestling business looking in like she always should have been. Jeff signs the contract. Borash takes the briefcase. Jeff knocks down Borash. Karen said that they will be picking it up later tonight and the Jarrett’s walk away. 

Ethan Carter III Backstage Promo: 

Jeff Hardy gets out of the car. EC3 tells Hardy that he has another present for Hardy. EC3 tells Hardy he has important stuff to attend to. EC3 ask Hardy to close the door. Hardy walks away as EC3 laughs looking at his phone and says that Jeff’s taste in music is horrible. 

We see a video package on the beginning business relationship with Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett.