impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/26) – New Dollhouse Member, Beer Money In The Same Match, Recent Attacks Explained

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
August 26th 2015
Report By Ford Fischer for

The show begins with Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy coming to the ring to call out Ethan Carter III for a rematch against Matt Hardy.  Ethan Carter obliges and comes down for a rebuttal, mentioning that while Matt was a tough challenge, he went into “God Mode” and crushed him.  He accepts a rematch challenge under the condition that Jeff Hardy becomes his personal assistant if he should win and that Matt Hardy would receive a legit World Title Rematch if he wins tonight.  The Hardyz seem to think it is a lot to give up and decide to mull over it.

Josh Matthews and The Pope are backstage, going over the card for the rest of the night including a 4-way match for the #1 Contendership to the King of the Mountain Title.  Eric Young vs. Chris Melendez promo video is shown, building up to the singles match for tonight with the stipulation that if Eric Young wins, he gets Melendez’s prosthetic leg.

Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett are seen entering the Impact Zone, promising that tonight will be monumental for them…the only question is whether GFW will be involved or not.