Detailed 8/25 WWE Main Event Taping Results, Including Dark Match, Dusty Classic Match Results *Spoilers*

main eventThe following results were sent in by Wrestlezone reader Mike Bertoncini and they are results from tonight’s WWE Main Event tapings, including a dark match and a NXT “Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic” match.

Note: Jimmy Uso on commentary; the Dunkin’ Donuts Center was almost 100 percent sold out. A “New Day Rocks” chant broke out before the taping even started.

Prime Time Players defeated Los Matadores

– Pretty solid back and forth with Darren Young getting the pin for PTP. The crowd loved Titus.

– Stardust cut a promo on Steven Amell and his former tag partner Wade Barrett.

Jack Swagger defeated Adam Rose via submission

– Rose is on an anti fun gimmick. Calls himself the ultimate party pooper. Swagger made him tap to the Patriot Lock pretty quickly.