WWE Raw Results (8/17): Brock Lesnar and Undertaker Face-to-Face, Reigns vs. Harper, Divas Main Event!

WWE RAW Resultsraw_coverage
August 17th 2015
Report by Ford Fischer for Wrestlezone.com

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Hey folks, @FordTheFish here with your LIVE RAW Play-by-Play.  

Stephanie McMahon and Triple H begin the show.  Steph compares Summerslam being 6 days away to Christmas Morning just before the gifts are opened.  They remind us of the four hour runtime this year and Summerslam card, starting with Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar and moving down the line-up while also announcing matches for tonight like Luke Harper vs. Roman Reigns and WWE Diva’s Champion Nikki Bella against NXT Women’s Champion Sasha Banks.  Stephanie goes on to announce that former Daily Show host, Jon Stewart will be hosting Summerslam this weekend!  Randy Orton’s music cues up and signifies the opening tag team match before going to commercial in his entrance.

Randy Orton & Cesaro vs. Sheamus & Kevin Owens

During the rest of the entrances, Michael Cole makes it official by saying ESPN will be covering Summerslam LIVE with a familiar face there…Jonathan Coachman.  The match begins with Kevin Owens and Cesaro circling each other.  Owens, like the coward he is, tags out immediately…forcing the fans to wait until Summerslam for their encounter.  Cesaro decides to tag out to Orton as well.  Sheamus begins to play to the crowd’s “You Look Stupid!” chants and, like his partner, avoid his Summerslam opponent.  Owens is tagged in once Orton gets the better of the first exchange and Kevin prevents Cesaro from being tagged in with a cheap shot.  Orton bounces back and Cesaro finally gets his hands on Owens, landing a Stalling Suplex and an impressive Springboard European Uppercut that sends Owens outside.  

We return from a break to see the heels firmly in control and Sheamus pummeling Orton.  Cesaro finally gets the hot tag and starts the “Uppercut Train” as JBL puts it.  The Swiss Superman goes for the Cesaro Swing, but Sheamus gets to the ropes and gets clocked by Cesaro with an Uppercut when coming off the top rope for a Shoulderblock.  Cesaro and KO knock each other off the apron, hits his DDT and hits the RKO on Sheamus for the win.

Winners – Cesaro & Randy Orton