WWE Smackdown Results (7/30) – Swagger vs Rusev, Stardust Searches For His Hero, Cesaro vs Rollins!

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WWE Smackdown Results
July 30th 2015
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

Seth Rollins comes out and brags about injuring John Cena and shows ‘gruesome’ photos of Cena’s broken nose. Rollins says he’s an artist, then Cesaro cuts him off and says Rollins forgot the part where Cena still made him tap out. Cesaro says Rollins can tell himself whatever he wants, and Rollins says it was strategic because he has more to worry about besides Cena’s title. Cesaro says he will see him later and Rollins tells him to leave, but then Cesaro says maybe he will make him tap out now and calls for the bell.

Seth Rollins vs Cesaro

Cesaro goes after Rollins but Rollins runs for it, then Kevin Owens makes his way out as we go to a break. We get back to see Cesaro chasing Rollins, then Rollins rolls in and stomps him before Cesaro calls for a Sharpshooter. Rollins ducks under the ropes to break, then he jumps from the turnbuckles but Cesaro catches him and hits a suplex for two. Cesaro sends him into the corner but Rollins trips him up and dropkicks him into the middle turnbuckle, then Cesaro connects with some chops and an uppercut. Rollins tries to attack but Cesaro fends him off, then Owens runs in and attacks Cesaro to cause a disqualification. 

Winner (by disqualification) – Cesaro

Rollins and Owens tease a confrontation, but end up turning and both attacking Cesaro before some referees break it up.