WWE RAW Results (7/20) – Cena/Rollins Have Words, Lesnar/Taker Official!


WWE RAW Results
July 20th 2015
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

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Undertaker starts the show and says he stands there a cold blooded, vengeful person, and the painful truth is that streaks are meant to be broken. He says Brock Lesnar has reminded everyone of his greatest accomplishment week after week, but he says enough. Taker says man or beast, he is back to put an end to this, and Lesnar will rest in peace. 

Triple H is shown backstage talking about how big Lesnar versus Undertaker at Summerslam would be, then says he needs to take care of things. He says Lesnar showing up in the same building as Taker could be explosive, but they need to take precautions tonight and keep things from getting out of control. 

Brie Bella vs Charlotte

Brie and Charlotte fight in the ring and head outside as we go to a break, then we get back to see Brie applying a headlock. Brie hits a missile dropkick before they trade chops, then Charlotte kicks her and goes for a Figure Eight. Nikki jumps on the ring but Charlotte kicks her in the face, then she spears Brie and makes her tap to the Figure Eight.

Winner – Charlotte

Charlotte’s spear was better than some men I’ve seen use the move. Great to see her pick up another win; keep the ‘revolution’ going.