WWE Smackdown Results (7/16) – Cesaro vs Rusev, Team ‘BAD’ Debuts, Reigns/Ambrose vs Big Show/Sheamus!

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WWE Smackdown Results
July 16th 2015
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

Roman Reigns comes to the ring and calls Bray Wyatt out, and Bray appears on the Titantron. Bray makes some idle threats but Reigns tells him to come make good on it right now. Bray says Reigns can believe in the fans and parade around, but none of it is real; Reigns says they saw Bray run from him on RAW and that is real. Bray says he wants Reigns to go home and surround himself with loved ones, and he should apologize because he can’t promise that he will leave Battleground. 

Lucha Dragons vs The New Day (w/ Xavier Woods)

Kofi kicks Cara in the corner, then E tags in but Cara takes him down with an armdrag and Kalisto hits a backbreaker. Kalisto gets knocked outside and slammed into the barricade as we go to a break, then we get back to see Cara go for a senton. E ducks but Cara tags out, and Kalisto goes for a corkscrew elbow before Kofi runs in. Kalisto kicks him in the face, then Cara splashes him on the floor and E goes for a German suplex. Kalisto hits the Solida Del Sol but Woods interferes, then Cara gets knocked off the apron and E and Kofi hit a tandem Big Ending for the win. 

Winners – The New Day