TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/8) – BroMans Street Fight, Bram vs Anderson, E-C-3 Title Defenses!

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
July 8th 2015
Report By Bill Pritchard for

Ethan Carter III and Tyrus walk out and Ethan brags about having their attention now, and being the greatest wrestler alive. Ethan says he will defend his title E-C-3 times tonight, then he is cut off by Matt Hardy. He says he wants a piece of Ethan because he can be champion, but Ethan says no because he is in charge tonight. Ethan says he has a hell of a show planned, and Hardy’s already in a tag match against the Dirty Heels. He says they aren’t too happy about last week’s results, and oh… Jeff is injured, so Matt will have to go it alone tonight.

Matt Hardy vs Dirty Heels 

Roode hits Hardy a few times and slams him down, then Aries hits him a few times before Matt makes a comeback. Matt sends Aries outside and turns to Roode, who slams him down with a suplex, and Aries holds Matt’s legs down outside to steal the pin. 

Winners – Dirty Heels