WWE NXT Live Event Results (3/28): San Jose, CA; Finn Balor vs Adrian Neville, Rhyno In-Action, Vince Backstage, Owens & Zayn Appear & More

WWE nxt Live Event ResultsSource: PWInsider.com

WWE NXT began what is undoubtedly a new Wrestlemania tradition tonight, drawing over 4,500 fans to the San Jose University Event Center for a two hour event that kicked off at 10 PM Pacific after WWE’s Wrestlemania AXXESS had closed up shop for the night. The line to get in went waaaay down the block and there was a young energy in the crowd. It wasn’t a family audience but a college age crowd mixed in with diehard fans.

*WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross was sitting in the first row.

The night opened with Jojo signing the national anthem.

When they turned the lights out before the show officially began, everyone in the building was on their feet with an energy that I can only describe as ECW-esque.

Corey Graves came to the ring. HIs mic didn’t work so the crowd chanted, “You f***ed up.” Graves joked that they were new at this. Graves said he wanted to tell a story and that was that WWE had a little secret In a warehouse in Florida. Then came The Shield and Bray Wyatt and that started the whispers. Those turned into waking and shouts and whispers and that has led to this show. He said that they sold out thousands of seats Wrestlemania weekend in minutes and now there are wrestlers standing in the back becau:se they have no chairs left. He rallied the crowd to chant NXT, not that they needed any prompting.

*Hideo Itami pinned Tyler Breeze. Hell of an opener. The crowd chanted for Hideo as he came to the ring. The crowd went nuts for Breeze’s music immediately. Breeze did his lay across the buckles spot and the crowd popped. Hideo mocked it and they really went nuts. Breeze had control early but Hideo nailed several kicks. He crowd chanted for the GTS. They went back and forth with a pretty hot competitive opener. Hideo missed a kick and Breeze nailed him with one and scored a two count with a crucifix bomb. The crowd loved the hell out of hat and chanted for NXT. Hideo went for the GTS but Breeze slipped out and nailed a super kick. The crowd chanted “This is awesome.” Hideo went nuts with offense and kicked the hell out of Breeze. He nailed a big hesitation dropkick in the corner and killed Breeze with the GTS for the pin. Hideo looked the most he’s looked like his old self since coming to the States here and Breeze was perfect as his foil.

*Jason Jordan pinned Bull Dempsey. The crowd booed he hell out of Dempsey but when Jason Jordan came out, they didn’t seem to know who he was. Dude never should have cut that hair. Dempsey did a lot of ground and pound and kept Jordan on the mat early, Jordan went for a back Suplex but Dempsey turned and flattened him for a two count, Jordan used some collegiate takedowns. Dempsey nailed the Earthquake splash for a two count. He drilled Jordan and scored a two count after a flying Headbutt. Jordan mounted a comeback and scored the pin with an exploder. The crowd was surprised by that as they were treating Jordan as if he was Terry Gibbs tonight.