LISTEN NOW: The Road to WrestleMania 31 Continues as The Lapsed Fan Runs Down WrestleMania 25!

the lapsed fan

WrestleMania 25 marked the silver anniversary of sports entertainment’s grandest spectacle, and more importantly it marks stop 25 on The Lapsed Fan’s 30-week WrestleMania podcast journey.

Hosts Jack Encarnacao and JP Sarro delve into Reliant Stadium in Houston and the epic confrontation between The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. Why was it so great? Greatest match in Mania history? Second greatest? this classic is dissected once and for all by your co-chairmen.


– The hits and misses of the HHH v. Orton main event, why Orton should have come in champion, and why the match layout only served to hurt matters

– Jeff Hardy v. Matt Hardy, the match no one asked for with risks no one wanted to see taken (though a Twist of Fate on a guy with a chair necklace in undeniably cool)

– Kofi Kingston uses a busted “Money in the Bank” ladder as stilts, and Shelton Benjamin jumps from the highest perch he can find

– Why Deuce’s botched catch of Undertaker’s soaring plancha ultimately helped, not hurt, the HBK match

– Kid Rock tests our collective patience

– A Diva Battle Royal, and Sunny is in there somewhere

– The full story behind Mickey Rourke’s paranoia over Jericho shooting on him, and how the hell MMA great Frank Shamrock ended up in the front row.

All that and so much more as the Mains toasted to 25 years in 2010. Listen as guru Dave Meltzer lays out the full greatness of the Mickey Rourke saga and the brillian of HBK/Taker.

Only five Mainas to go on The Lapsed Fan’s 30-week voyage!

You can listen to the show by clicking the following link, or alternatively you can download it by clicking here. (Right Click/Save As)

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