WWE NXT Takeover: Rival Complete Results – Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens, Charlotte Defends Women’s Title in 4-Way Match, #1 Contender Decided & More

nxtNXT Takeover: Rival

February 11, 2015
Full Sail University in Winter Park, FL
Report by Mike Killam for WrestleZone.com

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A "random female fan" jumps on Breeze during his entrance, until security grabs her and escorts her out. Definitely looked like a plant. 

Itami hits a running knee in the corner and Breeze takes a breather on the floor. He rolls back in and takes a dropkick, several kicks, but escapes to the apron to avoid another running knee. Tyler attacks the knee and goes to work on it. He continues his attack around the ringpost, locking in a Figure Four until the referee forces a break. He heads back to the ring with a modified Sharpshooter, breaking in the ropes and continuing the attack. Itami comes back with a GTS attempt - big pop - but Breeze fights free and hits a superkick. After another minute of rest holds, Tyler throws right hands and Hideo "Hulks up", no-selling them and coming back with kicks of his own. The dropkick connects in the corner, followed by a running knee for three.