impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (1/30) – Knockouts Triple Threat, Lashley Defends In Four Corners Match, Angle Chooses Lockdown Team


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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
January 30th 2015
Report by Bill Pritchard for

Bobby Roode walks to the ring holding the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, and he says this doesn’t belong to him, but professional wrestling is his life. He says this title represents everything, but it was stolen from him by Eric Young, so he wants Bobby Lashley to come to the ring and take his championship back. Lashley walks out and Roode says MVP and Eric Young caused all of this trouble, but they’ve still had some great matches together and he’s man enough to hand the title back. Roode says it’s not easy because he does want his rematch, and he wants that match tonight, so Lashley says it’s on.

Roode says he doesn’t want to wait any longer and calls for a referee, but Austin Aries cuts him off and says he’s not a ref, but he has a lot of options. Aries says this briefcase gives him a title match any time he wants, then MVP comes to the ramp and shakes his head. MVP says all he hears is complaining, and Lashley owes that title to the Beat Down Clan, so Lashley should kick everyone else out of the ring and fight him because that’s what it’s really about. Lashley says Aries can save his briefcase for another time, because if they all want a title shot, he is going to fight them all tonight.

Knockouts Championship
Madison Rayne vs Gail Kim vs Taryn Terrell (c)

Gail and Taryn hit Madison with some forearm shots, then they both go for pinfalls before Taryn snapmares Gail and dropkicks her into the corner. Gail sidesteps a clothesline and hits a running splash, then Madison hits Taryn with some elbows before Taryn suplexes her. Madison comes back with a back elbow for two, then she hits a Northern Lights suplex for two before Gail comes back in with a clothesline attempt. Madison ducks and hits her with a DDT while simultaneously hitting Taryn with a cutter, then Gail tries to apply an elevated leglock but Taryn puts Gail in a guillotine choke. Taryn kicks Madison before she and Gail both try to head up top, but Madison crotches them both on the turnbuckles and shoves them on the floor. Madison faceplants Taryn on the ring steps, then Gail tries to intervene but Madison hits a facebuster on the steps and taunts them from the ring. She jumps from the apron but Taryn sidesteps, and Madison goes into the barricade before Taryn rolls her in for two. Madison connects with Rayne Check before Gail tries to roll her up, then she sets up Eat Defeat but Taryn breaks it up and drops Madison with a diving cutter for the win.

Winner – Taryn Terrell 

BP: Pretty entertaining match where everyone got in some offense. The triple threat stipulation usually means one competitor is left out, waiting for their spot to come back in, but everyone spent equal amount of time in action. Taryn has come a long way in the ring, you can see where her skill has improved since she first debuted in TNA. 

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