12/2 WWE Main Event Results: The Miz vs. Jimmy Uso in Singles Action, Jack Swagger Fights Without Zeb Colter & More

WWE Main EventWWE Main Event Results
December 2, 2014
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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-The show kicks off with footage of last night's brawl between Rusev and Jack Swagger


Swagger starts off with a belly-to-belly suplex, but Titus beats him down and throws him to the floor. Titus throws him off the barricade and into the ring steps, then rolls back into the ring to continue the assault for several minutes. He goes to a rest hold for a minute to slow things down, and eventually Swagger is able to roll through into the Patriot Lock and get the submission win. 


-Swagger cuts a promo about Zeb Colter being a father figure and a real American. He calls Rusev a coward, and unworthy of the U.S. title, and dedicates himself to taking it from him. Swagger leads his hometown in his first ever "We the People" chant.