Flashback: 2014 TNA Bound for Glory Results (10/12): James Storm & Sanada vs. Great Muta & Tajiri, Hall of Famers in Hardcore Action, X-Division 3-Way, More

tna bound for gloryTNA Bound for Glory Results
October 12, 2014
Tokyo, Japan

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-Jeremy Borash welcomes us to Bound for Glory and runs down the card. He throws things to Mike Tenay and Taz, who are doing live commentary in the United States for this PPV. We have a 4-sided ring with TNA logos on all sides, and the Wrestle-1 canvas. It looks nice. The crowd is fired up with “TNA” chants. 


Tanaka gets the upper hand early and tries to shoot Manik to the floor, but he sticks in the ropes and comes back with a clothesline. Manik controls the match, playing the cocky heel, until he runs into a forward roll dropkick. Mike Tenay tells us Manik is the youngest wrestler to debut with New Japan, and his mentor was Tanaka, so there's your story. Tanaka with a few more dropkicks and a snap suplex, followed by a jumping knee for two. He dropkicks Manik to the floor and comes off the ring post with a moonsault into the barricade. After a minute they roll back into the ring and trade knife-edge chops. Manik with a springboard dropkick and he tries for his double chickenwing gutbuster, gets about half of it, but can't get the pin. He tries for a double foot stomp, but Tanaka comes back with a flurry of offense. They fight to the top rope and Minoru arm drags Manik all the way to the floor. Lots of "let's go Manik" chants, which is pretty unexpected. They both look for suplexes and do some counter-wrestling. Manik pulls out about 3 or 4 different signatures/finishers including another gutbuster, but Tanaka keeps kicking out before three. Tanaka hits a superkick and locks in the flying armbreaker (the Minoru Special) for the submission victory.