WWE RAW Results (9/15) – Brock/Cena Fight, Reigns vs Rollins, Mark Henry Rallies America!

Jack Swagger (w/ Zeb Colter) vs Bo Dallas

Bo hits Swagger a few times and dropkicks him, then he applies a headlock but Swagger escapes and slams him down. Bo hits him and heads up top, but Swagger rolls away from a kneedrop and connects with a shoulder tackle. He splashes Bo and kicks him in the face, then he blocks a Bo-Dog and rolls through into a Patriot Lock, making him tap out.

Winner – Jack Swagger

Paige & Nikki Bella vs AJ Lee & Brie Bella

Paige hits Brie a few times and taunts AJ, then she skips around and knees Brie before applying a headlock. Paige hits her a few times before Brie knocks her down, then she makes her way towards the corner for a tag. Nikki runs over and slams AJ’s face on the apron, and Paige gets up and hits Brie with Ram-Paige for the win.

Nikki runs in and hits Brie with the Rack Attack, then Paige taunts everyone and skips around, but AJ just mocks her and skips around with her before leaving.

Winners – Paige & Nikki Bella

Paul Heyman is shown waiting out Brock Lesnar’s arrival, then he opens the door and pleads with The Great Khali to let him out. He says he needs to make a phone call outside so he gets service, and he tries to reason with Khali to let him call Brock. Khali takes his phone away and smashes it, then throws Heyman back in the room and closes the door on him.