WWE RAW Results (9/15) – Brock/Cena Fight, Reigns vs Rollins, Mark Henry Rallies America!

wwe raw results

WWE RAW Results
September 15th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

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Paul Heyman comes out and cuts a promo on how Brock Lesnar is going to win at Night of Champions, then John Cena cuts him off and asks where Brock Lesnar is. Cena says he asked for Brock or he would fight Heyman, they Heyman teases Brock’s introduction before laughing at Cena. He says Brock’s plane was delayed but he is on his way, then he tries to leave but Cena grabs him and says he’s lying, and he’d better produce some results. Heyman backtracks and Cena threatens him again, saying he doesn’t trust Heyman and he will make sure these fans get a fight. Cena tells Heyman he has 80 minutes for Brock to show up, then he puts Heyman in a headlock and drags him backstage, locking him in a dressing room with The Great Khali watching the door.

Kane vs Chris Jericho

Jericho hits Kane and tries heading up top, but Kane knocks him down and throws him into the ring apron. He punches him and sends him in the corner, then he whips Jericho but Jericho floats over and hits an enziguiri. Jericho dropkicks him and connects with a few more kicks, then Kane throws him to the ground as we go to a break. We get back to see Jericho fight out of a rear choke, then Kane heads up top but Jericho hits him on the way down. Kane tries to throw him outside but Jericho runs up the turnbuckles and hits an axe handle smash, then he clotheslines Kane and connects with some mounted punches. He goes for the Walls of Jericho but Kane kicks him back, then Kane takes apart the turnbuckle and slingshots Jericho at it. Jericho stops and springboards back, and Kane catches him, but Jericho counters a chokeslam with a cradle DDT. Jericho goes for a Codebreaker but Kane kicks him in the face and gets two, then he sets up a Tombstone but Jericho bulldogs him. Jericho hits a Lionsault but Kane grabs him by the throat, only to have Jericho throw him into the exposed turnbuckle before he rolls him up for the win.

Winner – Chris Jericho

BP: I’m not sure if I missed the explanation, or if there is one, but what was the purpose of Kane being in the match? Either way it was still pretty good, a nice opener with some good in-ring work.