TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/10) – Chris Melendez Debuts, EC3 vs Rhino, Three Team Tables Match!

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
September 10th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for

Chris Melendez vs DJ Z

Zema chopblocks Chris’ leg and taunts the crowd, but Chris makes a comeback with some strikes and a side slam. He goes for a fireman’s carry but Zema elbows him, then he sends him into the rope but Chris hits a falllaway Samoan drop for the win. 

Winner – Chris Melendez

Bobby Roode comes out and puts over his match with Eric Young last week, and he says now he knows more than ever that he is ready to be back on top. Lashley, King and MVP come out and MVP says this story is like a movie, where the hero comes close, but Lashley is Darth Vader, and Roode comes up short. He says he doesn’t get the girl, but he does get a night in the hospital, then Roode says all he sees is fear and doubt. Roode says Lashley doesn’t show either of those things, and Lashley can destroy him and beat him, but Roode can beat him too. He says there’s not a thing MVP can do about it, but MVP says he’s wrong, then MVP decks him and they attack Roode until Samoa Joe and EY make the save. Joe says they are always confident when it’s three on one, but now it’s even sides so they are going to fight, and it’s right now!

Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode & Eric Young
vs MVP, Bobby Lashley & Kenny King

Joe hits king in the corner and whips him, then he splashes him and hits an enziguiri before King catches him with a roundhouse kick. He snaps Joe’s head on the ropes before he springboards in the ring, but Joe sidesteps and Eric tags in to hit a dropkick. Eric throws a few strikes before MVP hits him in the corner, then Eric comes back with a belly-to-belly suplex and a corner elbow smash. King takes a cheap shot at Eric before Lashley knocks him down, then he hits him several times before applying an armbreaker. Eric lifts him and slams Lashley on his back, then Roode tags in and hits King with some clotheslines and forearms. Roode hits MVP with a spinebuster and a kneelift, then he follows with a diving neckbreaker but King breaks up the pin. Joe hits him with a Muscle Buster before Lashley spears him, then Eric dropkicks him outside and takes him down with a slingshot crossbody. MVP knocks Roode down and sets up a Drive By, but Roode sidesteps him and hits a Roode Bomb for the win.

Winners – Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode & Eric Young