TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/3) – X Division, World Title Contenders Named, Samoa Joe vs Lashley!

Impact Wrestling results

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
September 3rd 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for

MVP, Kenny King and Lashley come to the ring but Samoa Joe cuts them off, and Joe says he has to give MVP props for being a hype man. He says Lashley is a great talent, and MVP’s trying to make him the toughest man on the planet, but he isn’t even the toughest in the ring. Joe says they should fight to see who the toughest really is, then King gets in Joe’s face and sucker punches him. They attack Joe in the corner until security pulls them apart, and MVP says Joe will get his fight later tonight.

Knockouts Championship
Taryn Terrell vs Gail Kim (c)

 We get a few pin attempts from each woman before Taryn clotheslines Gail, then she follows with a neckbreaker and a clothesline from the middle rope. Taryn heads up top but Gail cuts her off and hits a hurricanrana, then she clotheslines Taryn and goes for a corner splash. Taryn sidesteps her and Gail hits the floor, then they fight on the apron and Gail hits a neckbreaker on the steps. Gail brings her in and hits Eat Defeat, but Taryn kicks out and hits a diving cutter for a close near fall. Taryn gets up and hits a crossbody off the ropes, but Gail rolls through and hooks Taryn’s legs for the pin.

Winner – Gail Kim

Havok makes her debut and clotheslines both women, then she hits Taryn with a Demon Drop (side belly-to-back driver) and follows with a chokeslam to Gail. She picks Gail back up and laughs, then she drops her with a Demon Drop and throws her onto Taryn, taunting them while she stands over them.

BP: Not that it took away from it, but I’m surprised this match didn’t get more time. This was a good match with some close near falls and a great spot on the steps with the neckbreaker. Obviously Havok’s debut is why it was shorter, but I think it was necessary to happen this way. I don’t know what more you could’ve done with Gail and Taryn unless Taryn won, but the Knockouts division is in good shape going forward.