TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/20) – Hardcore Justice Returns, X Division Title Match, Last Knockout Standing, Six Sides Of Steel!


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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
August 20th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for

 Stairway To Janice
Bram vs Abyss

The two trade punches before Bram charges the corner, but Abyss belly-to-belly suplexes him into the ladder and they end up fighting to the ringside area. Abyss hits him a few times before Bram whips him into the ringpost, then he hits Abyss with a trash can and follows with a second shot to the head. Abyss throws him across the floor and into the steps, busting him open, then Abyss loads the corners with boards covered in barbed wire. He goes for a powerslam but Bram floats over, then he elbows Abyss and throws him in the corner before starting to climb the ladder. Abyss chokeslams him off of it and empties a bag of tacks in the ring, then Bram charges him but Abyss sidesteps him and whips him into a barbed wire board. Abyss climbs the ladder but Bram tips it over and sends Abyss into the other barbed wire board, then he climbs up and gets ‘Janice’ from the hook. Bram throws the ladder outside and swings ‘Janice’ at him, but Abyss grabs him by the throat before hitting a Black Hole Slam. Abyss grabs ‘Janice’ and tries to swing it, but Bram ducks and low blows him, then hits him with ‘Janice’ and makes the cover.

Winner – Bram

BP: This was a good hardcore match with plenty of brutal spots; they’ve worked really well together. The only complaint is one that’s always been around, and it’s that ‘Janice’ is not believable in the least bit. No one will ever get hit with it besides a protected body shot and it looks absurd. I almost expected them to do a spot where it got stuck in the turnbuckles again, but I’m glad they stayed away.

Ethan Carter comes out with Spud and Rhino and he says he’s glad he was sent to jail by Kurt Angle, because he learned some things while he was there. He says he realized who is responsible for his Aunt Dixie’s injury, then he chews Rhino out and blames him for the whole thing. Ethan says Rhino owes him his career and he paid him a lot, then Rhino screams back at him and says he needs to shut up or he’s a dead man. Rhino says Ethan can shove his money up his ass and calls him a bitch, then Ethan asks if a bitch would do this… and slaps him before jumping him and kneeing him in the corner.