TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/7) – New X Division Champion, Hardcore War, Bully Puts Dixie Through A Table!

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tna impact wrestlingTNA Impact Wrestling Results
August 7th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for

Monster’s Ball
Bram vs Magnus

Bram rushes the ring and kicks Abyss, but Abyss drops him with a clothesline before splashing him in the corner. Abyss sends Bram outside and whips him into the steps, then he throws some weapons in the ring and wedges a chair in the corner. Bram beats him with a trash can and introduces a barbed wire board, and tries to whip Abyss into it but Abyss reverses it so Bram kicks him below the belt. Bram goes back outside for more weapons, but Abyss hits him in the nuts with a cheese grater, then he calls for a chokeslam but Bram blocks it and goes for a float over. Abyss catches him and throws him headfirst into the chair in the corner, then he gets “Janice” from under the ring but Bram avoids a swing by Abyss.

Bram hits Abyss as ‘Janice’ gets stuck in the turnbuckles, then Abyss elbows him with a chair and pours some thumbtacks on the mat. Bram surprises him with a kendo stick shot, then hits him again, and goes for a third strike but Abyss grabs him and tries to chokeslam him. Bram hits him and knocks him down, then he gets ‘Janice’ from the turnbuckles and swings, but Abyss blocks it and chokeslams him on the pile of thumbtacks. Abyss measures Bram to hit him with ‘Janice’ but Magnus jumps on the apron, and he distracts Abyss long enough for Bram to spear him through the barbed wire board. Bram gets ‘Janice’ and hits Abyss in the ribs with it, then he rolls Abyss over and makes the cover.

Winner – Bram

BP: This was a great way to start off the show. I still don’t get why they continue to call this Monster’s Ball, since the gimmick used to have more to it. It’s still a hardcore match, but it was a good one. They used all the typical weapons in an Abyss match, but the spots were well placed and they left room for more in the future.

Ethan Carter III is with his team backstage and he puts over Rycklon and Snitsky as lasting legacies of the final ECW, and Rhino is the greatest the original ECW had to offer. He puts over the whole team and says they are going to war, and they are in hell now, so Tommy Dreamer and Team 3D had better prepare. Ethan guarantees that his aunt Dixie is never, ever, ever, ever going through a table, and Snitsky laughs at Jeremy Borash as they leave.