WWE RAW Results (7/28) – Bo Dallas Defeated, Cena vs Cesaro, Brie Confronts Stephanie!

Paige comes out and says she is setting the record straight, and AJ is still her best friend in the world. She says last week she was wrong, and she crossed the line, but she saw AJ as someone who took her title. She says she will never do that again, then AJ comes out and says she gets it, and she knows how Paige is feeling right now. AJ says she will talk crap to Paige’s face like a real woman, then Paige says she is a real friend and AJ is crazy if she doesn’t believe her. AJ asks what she said and Paige apologizes for the oversight, then takes a subtle dig and says she wouldn’t make fun of mental health. AJ says it’s OK and it happens, then she tackles Paige and punches her a few times before throwing her out on the floor. AJ tackles her into the barricade and whips her, but Paige leaps over the steps and retreats and tries to tell AJ they are still friends.

BP: I’ve heard plenty of times that certain wrestlers need “that” opponent or feud to really make them. It’s early, but this might be it for Paige. I wasn’t really a fan of her promo skills in the beginning, but she’s really turned a corner since AJ came back. Excellent promo from both here.

Triple H and Stephanie come out and HHH degrades the fans for laughing at Stephanie, and says none of this is funny and he can’t forgive them. He says Brie Bella started it and Stephanie was just defending herself, and it was all a misunderstanding and the charges have been dropped, except for one. HHH says Brie hasn’t dropped the battery charge, so he wants to reconcile with Brie and put this behind them, and Stephanie asks her to the ring. Chris Jericho cuts them off and says he wanted to give his condolences, then he sings the COPS theme (Bad Boys) and HHH says this isn’t funny at all.

Jericho says it is, and it’s OK to be a jailbird now, because now they can rewatch the arrest segment over and over again on the WWE Network. He says he needs to give credit, in all seriousness, for HHH standing by his woman, but he wants to know why HHH didn’t leave the arena with her? Jericho says he waited until after the show to go to the jail, and he thinks HHH finally realizes Stephanie is nothing but a filthy, bottom feeding trash bag ho! HHH yells at him to knock it off and focus on Bray Wyatt, and Jericho says he is focused enough where he wants Bray in a match tonight, but HHH says he has to wait for that at Summerslam, but tonight is different. He says tonight… Seth Rollins runs out and hits him with his briefcase, then HHH says Jericho gets to face Rollins tonight.