WWE RAW Results (7/28) – Bo Dallas Defeated, Cena vs Cesaro, Brie Confronts Stephanie!

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WWE RAW Results

July 28th 2014

Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

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John Cena comes out and says he found out what Plan C was last week, because The Authority has it out for him and they have Brock Lesnar gunning for him. He puts Brock over and says The Beast beat The Streak, and he expects to take a beating at Summerslam, and taunts the crowd for cheering it. Cena says he is going to fight and he won’t lay down, and he is going to beat Brock just like he did in 2012, and he is doing it for people who cheer and boo. Cena says he is doing it to stop Brock and what it means to the WWE title, because Brock fights when he wants and he doesn’t think anyone else can stop him.

Paul Heyman cuts him off and says Brock will conquer Cena and take his championship, and he thinks Cena is courageous, but he’s going to be a victim. He asks Cena if he knows what is coming, and Heyman says Cena should ask the Undertaker what it’s like to be a victim… but they can’t do that. Heyman says Undertaker has been hiding since Wrestlemania, and Cena wants to survive Summerslam, but Brock is going to conquer him and go on the offensive. Heyman says Cena represents both sides of the coin and he loves WWE, but Brock loves inflicting pain, and Cena will be left beaten and conquered.

Cena says he heard Heyman talk about passion, and he brings up the fans chanting E-C-W, and Heyman smiles when he hears that even if he is a cold person. Cena says they both have passions for wrestling, and he loves WWE, but Brock has no passion, and as good as he is, he has no heart. Cena says Brock might be able to beat him down, but he is going to have to beat the last breath out of him because he is leaving Summerslam as champion. Cesaro comes out and shakes Heyman’s hand, and says eventhough he and Heyman mutually parted ways, he can’t insult his friend. Cesaro mocks Cena and says he can’t wrestle, then says he will prove it to him in a match right now.

BP: Started out as a typical corny Cena promo, but it just got better as it went on. Heyman and Cena both sold their side of the Summerslam match well, and played off of each other rather nicely. I especially liked Cesaro and Heyman remaining on good terms, and Cesaro having an attitude and telling Cena to shut up before he made the challenge.


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