WWE RAW Results (7/28) – Bo Dallas Defeated, Cena vs Cesaro, Brie Confronts Stephanie!

Cesaro vs John Cena

Cesaro counters a whip with an elbow to the face, then Cesaro hits him and stomps him on the apron before throwing him on the floor. Cesaro taunts the crowd before Cena dives and clotheslines him, then he punches him in the corner and goes for a bulldog, but Cesaro throws him across the mat. He punches Cena as we go to a break, then we get back to see Cesaro counter a Giant Swing with a powerbomb before he heads up top. Cesaro kicks him in the face and pulls him over the turnbuckles, suplexing him for two before knocking him down and getting him with the Swing.

Cesaro flips him over and puts him in a reverse Cloverleaf, but Cena rolls and tries to apply a STF before hitting a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes for an AA but Cesaro grabs the ropes, so Cena climbs the turnbuckles for a Super Attitude Adjustment but Cesaro breaks it up with a headbutt. Cesaro catches him with a diving crossbody but Cena rolls through, then he lifts him for an AA but Cesaro lands on his feet and uppercuts Cena. He throws Cena off the ropes and connects with a Very European uppercut for two, then he goes for a Neutralizer but Cena backdrops him. Cesaro kicks him in the face and heads up top, but Cena cuts him off and hits an Attitude Adjustment off the top turnbuckle for the win.

Winner – John Cena

BP: Good match that didn’t waste any time, it was hard hitting and well paced. It speaks well for Cesaro that it took a Super AA to beat him, as well as implying Cena will be ready for Brock at Summerslam.

Stephanie McMahon tells Triple H she thought she was ready, but she can’t go back “there”, and talks about how disappointing last week was. She says tonight needs to work and HHH reassures her, then Randy Orton comes in and says they need to talk about him not getting his title match. Orton says Roman Reigns attacked him and he got left out, then HHH says he could change the Summerslam main event but he won’t do it. HHH says Reigns cost Orton a title match and a lot more, so Orton can take him out because he won’t get a title shot as long as Reigns is around. Orton says he will take Reigns out, but now he has a problem with Kane, too.


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