TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/17) – X Division Gauntlet Match, Hardy Challenges Lashley, Devon Reunites With Bully Ray

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tna knockout goneTNA Impact Wrestling Results
July 17th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for

Taz cuts a promo in the balcony about how great it is to have Kurt Angle in charge, and they are here to wrestle. He says he was apart of one revolution, and he sees the same look in the eyes of this locker room as he did in that old one. Taz says they are about to turn a corner and this is a new day for them.

Tommy Dreamer and Bully Ray come out and Bully says they are going to grab the wrestling world by the balls. He says he guaranteed Dixie Carter will go through a table, and he will make good on that promise. Dreamer says they got their first national exposure in this same building in 1997, so he thanks them for staying with them, and this feels like a rebirth. EC3 and Rhino cut them off and Ethan says Dixie won’t go through a table, and it will happen over his dead body, and Rhino tells the fans to respect them or he’ll beat them down. Ethan says Bully and Dreamer embody what’s wrong with New York and calls it crap, then they get in the ring and Dreamer says he’s out of his element. Dreamer says he wants less talk and more action in wrestling, then they jump Rhino and Ethan as we go to a break.

Tommy Dreamer & Bully Ray vs Ethan Carter III & Rhino

 We join the match in progress and see Bully dropkick Ethan in the corner, then Dreamer chops him and whips him into the corner. Bully hits a neckbreaker for two, then Dreamer hits him a few times but Ethan punches him back and Rhino pummels him in the corner. Rhino stomps him a few times, then Ethan gets back in but Bully assists Dreamer with an elbow smash before they both hit some mounted punches. Ethan sweeps Dreamer’s legs and knocks him off the turnbuckles as Rockstar Spud appears, and Bully chases him around the ring to get rid of him. (Cont’d…)