WWE Smackdown Results (6/27) – Barrett vs Ambrose, Sheamus vs Wyatt, Reigns vs Kane

WWE Smackdown

Smackdown Quick Results:  Dean Ambrose def Bad News Barrett – Paige def Cameron – Sheamus def Bray Wyatt via DQ – Alberto Del Rio & Cesaro def Dolph Ziggler & Rob Van Dam – Rusev def Sin Cara – Roman Reigns def Kane via DQ — #wrestlezone

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WWE Smackdown Results
June 27th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

Triple H comes out with Randy Orton and Seth Rollins and he starts talking about different eras, and he has heard that this is the reality era, but he has a different name. He calls this the Authority Era, and he says they have been in power and winning, and this Sunday will be no different. HHH says he is willing to call the men in the ring with him a great group, and Orton will be WWE Champion and Rollins will win the briefcase. He says that is best for business, like it or not, then Orton says he will win because he is face of WWE.

Rollins says he will climb the ladder to secure a title match anytime he wants, and just in case it doesn't happen, they have a plan B. Orton takes offense but Rollins says he didn't mean him, eventhough Orton came up short a few times, but Orton says Rollins can't win without The Shield. HHH stops them and says they should trust each other and the Authority is the constant, so they can survive against them, or thrive with them. He brings up Dean Ambrose, who HHH says choses not to adapt, so he has some bad news, and Ambrose faces Bad News Barrett next.

Bad News Barrett vs Dean Ambrose

Ambrose knees Wade in the corner and counters a whip with a tackle, then he throws Wade on the floor and slams him into the barricade. Ambrose brings him in but Wade throws him into the ropes and knees him, then he kicks him in the face and sends him to the floor. We get back from a break to see Wade counter a tornado DDT with a scoop slam, then he goes for a pumphandle slam but Ambrose counters with Dirty Deeds for the win.

Jack Swagger comes out and looks to attack Ambrose, but turns to Wade instead and repeatedly throws him into the barricade. Swagger goes for a Patriot Lock but Ambrose takes him down with a suicide dive, then he hits him with a ladder and rolls him inside. Ambrose runs into a backdrop over the ropes, but Ambrose runs back in and clotheslines Swagger on the floor, then slams him into the timekeeper's area. Seth Rollins runs out and throws Ambrose headfirst into the steps, then he taunts him before he hits a Curb Stomp and leaves.

Winner – Dean Ambrose

BP: Well, it was hard to really see Wade's reported injury, but that could have been something removed in post production. Either way, it's unfortunate for him, but this was otherwise a good segment. I like the idea of him being a go-to guy for HHH, and both Rollins and Ambrose looked strong in their respective roles.

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