6/12 WWE NXT Results: Adrian Neville vs. Tyson Kidd “Takedown” Rematch, Bo Dallas Sneaks Back In, Sami Zayn in Action & More

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WWE NXT Results
June 12th 2014
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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-The show kicks off with a video package of NXT Takeover, where Adrian Neville beat Tyson Kidd to retain the championship. It's centered around Tyson being nothing more than Natalya's husband. 

Bailey, Paige and Emma vs. Charlotte, Summer Rae & Sasha Banks

Emma starts this match off against Sasha, and the heels quickly make tags in and out and beat her down with the numbers game. After they come back from a commercial break, Charlotte has her in a Figure Four headlock. Charlotte rolls through the hold and slams Emma on the mat – Summer is taking selfies with fans at ringside, and the champ is not happy about it. Sasha comes in after several more minutes of the assault, and Emma catches her in the ropes with a Turantula. Bailey gets the hot tag for the faces, and runs through Charlotte with clotheslines, and splashes in the corner. She gets a bit belly-to-Bailey suplex, but all hell breaks loose as all the ladies hit the ring. Charlotte rolls up Bailey with a bridge, but she kicks out. The champ gets upset and kicks Summer Rae out of the ring, screaming "what are you doing!?", but Bailey rolls her up from behind for the surprise upset win. 

Winners: Bailey (via pinfal), Emma & Charlotte

-After the match, there's some pushing and shoving between the B.F.F.'s but no real physicality. 

KILLAM: Emma got almost no reaction, aside from a couple of people doing her weird dance move. The crowd did chant for her a bit while she was getting beaten up. This was the last episode taped back in May, so hopefully we'll see Paige actually move up full-time to the roster, and stop making these appearances, as I think it's actually making her appear weaker to still be an NXT Diva and the Divas Champion. Plus, didn't she vacate the title because she wasn't gonna be around? I dont' think Paige was even in this match, which was basically 7 minutes of Emma getting beaten up.