WWE RAW Results (6/9) – Bryan Stripped Of Title, Rollins Speaks, Shield/Cena vs Wyatts

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WWE RAW Results – Quick Results: Sheamus def Bad News Barrett –  Rusev def Zack Ryder – Rybaxel def Goldust & R-Truth – The Usos def Fandango & Damien Sandow – Bo Dallas def Xavier Woods –  Cesaro def RVD – Paige def Alicia Fox – Jack Swagger def Santino – John Cena & The Shield def The Wyatt Family –  #wrestlezone  

WWE RAW Results
June 9th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

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The Authority comes out and Stephanie McMahon says they've had many problems with the WWE title picture lately, but after weeks of uncertainty, they have an answer. Stephanie plays a video of Daniel Bryan's surgeon saying he is not clear to compete, then Stephanie gloats and calls Bryan a B+ player again. Triple H joins in and says it's not their fault, but they need a champion to compete and Stephanie says Bryan will be stripped of the title. She reminds everyone they told them this would happen, then they take a few more shots at Bryan and Brie Bella, then formally announce there will be a championship ladder match at Money In The Bank this month.

They announce Alberto Del Rio is in because he already qualified for the match, and Randy Orton is also in, and HHH says it's just because of who he is. HHH says the fans couldn't wait to rub Bryan's 'fluke' victory in their faces, but The Authority was right all along, and Bryan isn't even here tonight. He says he told them all to adapt or perish, and the fans talked about The Shield beating Evolution, but now he's right about that too. HHH says Seth Rollins chose to adapt, and Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns will perish and continue to fall. He says they will face the Wyatt Family tonight, and they can try to find a partner, but he doubts that happens and the Shield will fall.

BP: I think this was a fantastic promo and great use of time. It addressed multiple stories, got heat, and was straight to the point. Not including last week, but after weeks of subpar openers, this one hit the nail on the head.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Sheamus vs Bad News Barrett

Sheamus knocks Wade down and knees him a few times, but Wade clotheslines him and throws him on the apron. Sheamus goes for Ten Beats but Wade knocks him on the floor, then he follows with a flying forearm off of the ring steps. Wade rolls him in but Sheamus catches him with Ten Beats, then he whips him into the ropes and clotheslines him out to the floor. We get back from a break to see Wade knees Sheamus and go for a big boot, but Sheamus hits an Irish Curse for two before Wade comes back with Winds of Change for a two count. Sheamus calls for a Brogue Kick but Wade rolls outside, then Sheamus goes for a top turnbuckle dive to the floor but Wade sidesteps him. Sheamus hits the barricade but makes it in before the count, then Wade hits Wasteland and gets another near fall. Wade calls for a Bullhammer but Sheamus counters with White Noise for two, then they slug it out on the apron. Wade repeatedly kicks Sheamus in the face and throws him shoulder first into the ringpost, then he stomps him until the ref pulls him back, and Sheamus surprises him with a Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner – Sheamus

BP: Part of me wants to say that's a bullshit finish, but it would be a disservice to a very good match. Sheamus is good with the Brogue much like DDP surprised people with the Diamond Cutter, I just would rather see him do it without the ref break being the catalyst. Wade was really beating the hell out of him towards the end; I hope we get a rematch soon.

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