Sadermania Documentary Officially Released Today, Daniel Bryan Talks Being “Face of WWE”, Main Eventing WrestleMania 30, More

sadermaniaSadermania Official Release Today

In this inspirational tale, super-fan Chris Sader and legendary wrestler Hulk Hogan relate how they met and developed a bond through mutual struggles and personal loss that each would have faced alone, if not for the unlikely friendship that develops between them.

See the trailer here: 

Sadermania will be released on via streaming and digital download on Friday, March 28th @ approximately 12pm CST.

Digital Streaming – $2.99 | Digital Download – $9.99

To purchase the download or streaming version of the documentary, visit

New Daniel Bryan Interview

Thanks to Adam Gacka of for sending in the following recap:

Brian Fritz of talked to WWE superstar Daniel Bryan  about WrestleMania 30 on April 6th where he will face Triple H and the winner then squaring off against both Randy Orton and Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, what the last year has been like for him and his surge in popularity, the connection with his fans, wondering if he we be a part of WrestleMania a few months ago, planning his wedding with Brie Bella at the same time, any pressure with everything going on, what to do with his beard for the wedding and more. Here are some excerpts from the interview:

On whether or not he feels like someone that is the face of the WWE:

"It's interesting because I don't feel any different that I did six months ago really.  I'm just kind of me, I just do my thing.  People ask me to do different stuff and now they ask me to do more stuff and that's pretty much it.  It's strange because Total Divas is following us around now but next week the (WWE) Network is going to be following me around just to follow me around and see what I do to get prepared for WrestleMania and all that kind of stuff.  I don't feel like a cover guy or anything like that but people are asking me to do more stuff!."  (laughs)

On getting into a main event position at WrestleMania 30:

"I've never gone up to anybody and said 'hey, look at what I'm doing, I should be a main guy here'.  I've always let my work speak for itself and I've always let the fan reaction speak for itself and make it so they don't have a choice but to do what they do with me right?  It's not me pushing for me to get this opportunity.  It's the fans who have been pushing for it and them saying no, this is what we want.  We want this at WrestleMania and WWE has to listen to them.  And that to me is pretty cool.  People have so much more power than they think and not just in wrestling, in the world in general.  A lot of these building have got like 14,000 people in this building compared to a couple people backstage who run the WWE.  And that's pretty much the ratio of people in the world and people in power.  You know what I mean?  We have a lot more power that we think.  So it's pretty cool."