WWE RAW Results (3/24) – Wyatt Bests Cena Again, Real Americans vs Shield, Taker/Brock Face Off?

wwe raw results

WWE RAW Results
March 24th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

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Stephanie McMahon comes out and says some people think they went too far with Daniel Bryan, but they set an example to show everyone else who is in charge. She says Bryan will lead them nowhere, and her family has been doing what's best for business for over fifty years. Stephanie says her husband is powerful and on his way to being champion again, then Randy Orton comes out and says he's not there to argue. Orton says he's not responsible for what happens to her husband at Wrestlemania, so she should tell him to walk away from the title match.

Orton says Bryan deserves a beating and HHH can go out a winner, then Batista cuts them off and says they are all missing the point. Batista says he's the next champion and they can deal with it, and while he does respect HHH, he's never beaten him, and Orton won't either. He says Orton makes him sick because of all his sucking up, then he says Stephanie's been drooled on a lot and Stephanie slaps him in the face. Stephanie storms off and Orton tries to make reason of it, but Batista spears him and holds the championships above his head.

BP: Kinda surprised, but not really, that we still got a CM Punk chant. Stephanie totally could have let the mic cutting out go, and Batista acted professionally, but she made a dig about. Nothing else too exciting besides the slap to Batista.

#1 Contender's Match (Intercontinental Championship)
No Disqualification Fatal 4 Way

Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler vs Christian vs Sheamus

Dolph goes for a quick rollup before hitting a dropkick, then Sheamus launches Christian into the barricade before tying Dolph in the ropes. Alberto catches him with an enziguiri, then Christian sends Dolph into the barricade and Sheamus clotheslines him over the barricade. We get back from a break to see Christian run into a clothesline and kneelift by Sheamus, then he gets thrown outside as Alberto gets clubbed on the apron. Sheamus heads up top but Dolph catches him with a super facebuster, then he drops Christian with a neckbreaker and catches Alberto with a DDT. Christian snaps Dolph head down and powerbombs him, but Alberto kicks him in the head and tries to steal the pin. Sheamus breaks it up and goes for a Cloverleaf, but he breaks it to powerslam Christian and calls for a Brogue Kick. Alberto blocks it and goes for a Cross Armbreaker, but Sheamus deadlifts him as Dolph connects with a Zig Zag, but Christian surprises Dolph with a Killswitch and makes the cover.

Winner – Christian

BP: It may not translate in text, but this really was a good paced and high action match. I wouldn't call it a spot fest, but it was still very exciting. Definitely worth checking out.