Anonymous WWE Star Posts Open Letter to Internet Fans Telling Them to “Relax” and “Enjoy the Product”

According to, a letter was sent in by a current WWE star to be published in the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter, and the wrestler requested that the Newsletter keep him or her anonymous. The letter reads as follows:

"Internet is so funny. You all read the sites so you all should know the 'plans' for Mania. None of those plans have Bryan in a title match so the internet exploding at the end of the show is beyond laughable. Plus dont hate on Rey, he didn't book himself as #30. The way most of you were acting the company should have called an audible and put Brooklyn Brawler as #30 just to piss you off even more. over 50,000 mania tix sold and a network that will change your life for ever is about to launch, so just relax and enjoy the product the company gives you. By the way, didn't you all s–t on the wwe for the Sept – Nov ppvs last year and said you were done, but turned around to watch/buy the Rumble? Pittsburgh you were an awesome crowd and it was an honor to be in your building last night."