Complete 1/30 TNA Impact Wrestling Results: Glasgow, Scotland: Mystery Investor Revealed

The camera went up to the car, but Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards stepped out and said all of their questions will be answered tonight. We cut to the ring with Gail Kim and Lei'D Tapa in the ring, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne will be their opponents.

Match: Gail Kim and Lei'D Tapa v Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne

The heels attacked the face team before the bell, Gail Kim got the best of Rayne early on but missed a move in the corner and Rayne got a tag from Sky. Sky setup for her finisher, but Tapa interefered, Rayne took her out and Sky was succesful with the second attempt of the "In Yo Face" on Kim and wins the match.

Their celebrations were cut short by Chris Sabin. Sabin questioned Sky's actions from Impact last week but offered her the opportunity to apologise. Sky shouted "WE'RE DONE" which got a noticeably male cheer from the crowd. 

We cut backstage and Angle and Joe go into Bobby Roode's lockerroom. Roode said he would be crazy to try and take out both Angle and Joe. Joe choked Roode and said he wanted him to think about what would happen if he interfered tonight.

Out next is James Storm. Storm said he and Gunner were friends long before he came to TNA, but something caused that to fall apart. Storm asked Gunner to come out "put an end to this". Gunner said they teamed to be great, they travelled together, they fought in bars together. He blamed the briefcase for causing their blow-up. He said he needed to make a career decision that would affect his family. He said Storm would've done the same thing. He referenced his life in the marines. Storm says he knows Gunner is one hell of a man and one hell of a wrestler. Storm offered reconciliation and said he was sorry, the pair shook hands and Storm said he had his back. With that, out come Bad Influence.