WWE Smackdown Results (1/3) – Rhodes Brothers vs Wyatts, Punk/Usos vs The Shield

WWE Smackdown
WWE Smackdown Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
January 3rd 2014

The Shield comes out and Ambrose says they've heard all the rumors about themselves, but they are dead wrong and CM Punk won't divide them. Reigns says a team can be divided when you attack their weak link, but there's no weak part of them, and Rollins says their setbacks are temporary, and they can believe in that.

The Shield (w/ Dean Ambrose) vs The Usos

Rollins whips Jimmy into the corner and Rollins hits him, then Jimmy comes back with a clothesline before Jey hits a diving forearm in the corner. Jimmy assists him with a double back elbow then Jey punches Rollins before hitting a back body drop for a near fall. Rollins comes back with a jawbreaker, then he whips Jimmy but Jey blind tags in and clotheslines Rollins outside before superkicking Reigns. The clothesline Reigns outside and throws Rollins back outside with him, then we get back from a break to see Reigns stomp Jimmy on the apron. Rollins kicks Jey and puts him in a high choke, then he snaps his head on the ropes before Reigns tags in and hits a forearm for two. Jey finally gets free and backdrops Reigns before tagging out, then Jimmy hits a Samoan drop on Rollins before setting up a corner splash. Rollins rolls away but The Usos throw Reigns outside, then they go for a suicide dive in stereo but Ambrose pulls Jimmy outside and causes the disqualification. All three members beat up the Usos, but CM Punk makes the save and helps the Usos clear the ring.

Winners (by disqualification) – The Usos

Fandango (w/ Summer Rae) vs R-Truth (w/ Xavier Woods)

Fandango whips Truth but Truth cartwheels back and hits an elbow, then he sends Fandango to the apron but Fandango responds with a heel kick. Fandango stomps him whips him across the ring, then Truth reverses it but Fandango kicks him in the face, then Woods dances on the commentary table and calls for the Funkadactyls. Fandango asks what is going on, but Truth uses the distraction to hit a diving STO for the surprise win.

Winner – R-Truth