TNA Developmental Star Speaks on Current States w/ the Company, His Gut Check Experience & More

TNA and OVW wrestler Sam Shaw spoke with Robert Krupar of recently. Shaw was a TNA Gut Check winner in 2012, after being attacked by the Aces & Eights. He has bad a few appearances on Impact Wrestling since then, as well as participating in two One Night Only pay-per-views. 

When asked if he was still with the company following a recent string of release, Shaw said "yes, still an independent contracted talent with TNA." 

On his experience with the TNA Gut Check program: 

"For me personally, it was a great way to introduce me to a much wider audience . Instead of just debuting me they used the GutCheck concept to introduce me and in a lot of ways. I’m not sure if certain people within the company knew if I would sink or swim when the bright lights and TV cameras were focused on me. My goal was to make the most of the opportunity and show that I belong and I could do some cool things when all the attention and pressure is layed on me. It’s hard to throw a guy out there if he isn’t particularly known, even on the Indy scene where there are so many talented guys that are looking for the same opportunity that I got. I’ve been doing things with TNA since 2009, as I was training under Bully Ray and Devon at Team 3D Academy (and busting my ass) which afforded me opportunities over the years that others might not ever get. Bully always told me „it’s right place, right time“ and „maximize your opportunities“ and he was totally right!"

Check out the link posted above for the complete interview.