Impact Wrestling Results (7/11) – Joker’s Wild Tournament, Sabin Cashes In, Final MEM Member Revealed

Joker's Wild Tournament (Bound For Glory Series)

Christopher Daniels & Austin Aries vs Kazarian & Bobby Roode

Kaz armdrags Aries and puts him in a grounded headscissors, but Aries gets out and dropkicks him, so both tag out and Daniels punches Roode in the face. Roode comes back with a shoulder block and a kneedrop, then Daniels tags out and Aries and Roode have a bit of a faceoff. They agree this is about the tournament and tie up, then Roode applies an armbar but Aries breaks it and elbows Kaz on the apron. Aries tries to springboard back in but Kaz clotheslines him to the floor, then he punches him and slams him into the ring apron as we go to a break.

We get back to see back to see Kaz hit a fireman's carry cutter for a near fall, then he sets up Fade To Black but Aries counters with a rollup attempt and a forearm shot. Daniels and Roode tag in and trade punches, then Roode catches Daniels with a spinebuster for a near fall before calling for a fisherman's suplex. Daniels counters with a front slam and calls for the BME, but Aries tags himself in and dropkicks Roode, then he goes for the IED but Roode rolls away. Kaz tags in and hits a springboard DDT, but Daniels knocks Roode off the apron and breaks up Kaz's pin attempt. Kaz gets pissed at him and they argue about the match up, then Aries sets up a Brainbuster but Daniels tags himself in, only to have Kaz surprise him with a small package rollup for the win. 

Winners – Kazarian & Bobby Roode

Brooke and Hulk Hogan are backstage talking about why she's there, and she says she listened to Hulk before but she came back for business. She says it's been hard, but the Knockouts have a big match right now and she wants to see it through, then she will leave. Hulk tells her he gets it, but he hopes that's all she's there for, and they agree they'll deal with the personal stuff with Bully Ray later. We cut to the Aces and Eights voting on a new Vice President, and Bully says he's not voting so it's all up to them. The group is split and it comes down to Knux, and he toasts DOC but ends up voting Anderson. Bully congratulates Anderson, then DOC and Knux have some words before eveyone disperses.