Impact Wrestling Results (7/11) – Joker’s Wild Tournament, Sabin Cashes In, Final MEM Member Revealed

Impact WrestlingTNA Impact Wrestling Results

By Bill Pritchard for

July 11th 2013

Bully Ray comes out to the ring with the Aces and Eights and says it's time to get right to business, and his issue is with Chris Sabin. He says Sabin might be the X Division champion, but he should keep the title because he wants no part of him. Bully calls himself a bad man and that's bad for Sabin, then he says the Aces will vote in a new Vice President. Bully says they will vote themselves because they are a family, which brings him to his next order of business, the Main Event Mafia. He says the Mafia wants a fight, but he says no, because they fight on their terms, then the Mafia cuts them off and heads out to the stage. Kurt Angle says they picked a date for a specific reason, and they are going to take out each of the Aces, and leave Bully all alone when he defends his title. Sting says they are still going to have something for them tonight, and the final member of their family is a heavy hitter, and he'll be revealed to them tonight.

Joker's Wild Tournament (Bound For Glory Series) 

Jeff Hardy & Joseph Park vs AJ Styles & Samoa Joe

Park tries to lock up with AJ but AJ ducks and kicks him, then he slides under him and kicks his legs so Park tags Hardy into the match. They tie up and AJ applies a side headlock, but Hardy throws him into the ropes and takes him down with some armdrags and a front suplex. Hardy lifts him but Joe is able to tag himself in, and he unloads on Hardy in the corner and elbows him off the ropes before hitting a back splash in the corner. Joe kicks him and tags AJ, then he snapmares Hardy to the mat and kicks him in the back before Hardy comes back with some right hands. AJ sweeps his legs and puts him in the Calf Killer, but Park breaks it up so AJ goes after him but Hardy drops him with a somersault kick. Joe and Park tag in and Park backdrops AJ, then he splashes Joe in the corner and but Joe shoves him back, and AJ hits a springboard forearm smash before Joe gets him to tap to the Coquina Clutch.

Winners – AJ Styles & Samoa Joe

Joker's Wild Tournament (Bound For Glory Series)

Jay Bradley & Hernandez vs Ken Anderson & Magnus

Anderson mocks Hernandez and fakes a lock up, but he tags Magnus and bails, then Magnus drops Bradley with a kneelift for a quick pin attempt. Hernandez comes in and Magnus applies an armbar, then he goes for a tag but Anderson bails and Bradley hits Magnus from behind. Hernandez hits Magnus a few times and Bradley slaps him, then Magnus punches him right back and sends him into the ropes as Hernandez blind tags in. He hits a shoulder tackle as Magnus turns around, then he hits Magnus before Bradley comes back in but Magnus kicks him in the face. Magnus connects with a running big boot, then he reaches for another tag but Anderson leaves him again so Magnus turns and clotheslines Hernandez. He hits Bradley on the apron but Hernandez hits him from behind, then he whips Magnus into the ropes but Magnus reverses it. Bradley, not looking, thinks it's Magnus but trips Hernandez, and Hernandez asks what he's doing as Magnus rolls him up to win it.

Winners – Ken Anderson & Magnus


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