CM Punk Being Advertised for July House Show, More Details on Problems with TNA Talent Being Paid Late

CM PunkCM Punk Being Advertised for July House Show

An email has been sent out advertising CM Punk for the 7/13 house show event in Trenton, NJ. The email notes that Punk is set to team up with Jericho to take on Team Rhodes Scholars in a tag team match. Punk has not been appearing at house shows since his WWE return, and as of this writing the 7/13 event is the only house show he is being advertised for this summer.

More Details on Problems with TNA Talent Being Paid Late

As we reported yesterday, TNA paying talent late has been a recurring issue recently, and The Wrestling Observer is noting that the issue pertains to office workers also and not just TNA wrestlers. A source says it would "surprise you greatly" at some of the talents who are being paid late.


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