WWE House Show Results (5/26): Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

SheamusThanks to Mike Krakalovich for sending this in:

Fandango defeated The Miz…this was an excellent match with great moves by both men. The crowd was into the match, chanting "Johnny Curtis" throughout, in reference to Fandango's former gimmick. Miz got the last laugh with a post match attack on Fandango.

Natalya defeated Aksana..This was one of the better divas matches I've seen. Natalya was clearly the crowd favorite, as is expected in Alberta.

Justin Gabriel defeated Curt Hawkins…I forgot Hawkins was even still on the roster. This match was ok…no surprise that Gabriel picked up the win.

Tons of Funk defeated The Prime Time Players…decent tag team match. Brodus Clay got the pin on Darren Young after a splash. The match was followed by Tons of Funk dancing with some kids from the crowd.

Sin Cara defeated Heath Slater…the crowd was solidly behind Sin Cara. The highlight for me was getting hit by Slater's gum as he threw it out into the crowd.

Alberto Del Rio defeated Big E Langston…this match featured a Twitter vote where the crowd voted on whether or not AJ would be at ringside. Surprisingly, the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of her staying. This was a very good match.

Sheamus defeated Wade Barrett by disqualification. This was a match for the Intercontinental Championship. By far the best match of the evening. Barrett was going to take his belt and take a count out loss, but Sheamus would have none of it. Once back in the ring, Barrett hit Sheamus with the belt, causing the blatant DQ.

Overall, the card was enjoyable. Much better matches than the last time WWE came to Medicine Hat. Definitely worth the $95 dollars I paid for a front row seat. The crowd was awesome. And the set they use for house shows is great. Video screens and everything. It's so much better than before. Can't wait until they come back.


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