WWE Extreme Rules

Detailed, Live Account of Fan Altercation with Security at Extreme Rules Last Night

Thanks to Jason Saint for sending in the following:

Last night, I had an altercation at Extreme Rules with security over my sign that read “BELIEVE IN THE SHIELD”. I posted the story on my blog (http://shitloadsofwrestling.tumblr.com) but here’s a rehash of it:

Once Kofi Kingston’s music cut and Dean Ambrose was making his way to ringside, myself, Atticus, and a few guys we had just met at the show all raised the signs high over our heads. A bunch of people turned to look, and some even took pictures, including WWE.com, who featured the sign in the photo shown above. Once the bell rung, the sign came down so we could watch the match.

After Ambrose defeated Kingston to win the WWE United States Championship, we all stood and raised our signs proudly, declaring our faith in the fighters of injustice. Shortly afterward, a security guard came over and told us to put the signs down. We lowered the sign and I asked “Why?”, but got no answer. We all then looked around to see several people holding up signs, some even like the one that we were holding, but none of them were being reprimanded. I thought maybe it was because they had cut to black or that maybe they had a camera behind us, but… neither of those things were evident.

Oh, well. We all agreed that following the Shield/Team Hell No match, if The Shield were victorious, we would all hold the sign up to declare our approval. When The Shield defeated Team Hell No, we all grabbed the sign and held it high over our heads. Sure enough, here comes douchebag security guard again, who talks to Atticus first and tells him to put the sign down. He then told us that “we’re all gonna go have a little talk”. We all looked at each other like “What the fuck?”, then he demanded to see our tickets. We handed them over and then he called some more people over to talk with us, then told us to come with him to the back of the crowd on the floor. We followed, all looking at each other like “What the fuck?”

When we got to the back, about 6 other security guards had gathered and another had brought our signs with him. Keep in mind, these guys weren’t WWE security guards, but Scottrade Center security guards. The main guy told them we were holding up the signs during the matches, which another security guard said that no, we hadn’t been. Which no, we had not been. That sign is fucking huge. I would stab someone with a tornado for holding a banner up like that during a match. One of the guards looked at our signs and said something to one of the other guards, but the only word I could make out was “harmless”. When original douchebag disappeared, the other security guards gave us our tickets back and sent us back to our seats.

On the way back to our seats, people started clapping for us which made us all laugh. A few people told us that they had told security that we hadn’t done anything wrong and bitched that anyone else was allowed to hold up signs, but we weren’t? I don’t know what the deal was. I don’t know if the guy who started the shit with us was in a pissy mood or maybe he just doesn’t like The Shield. I don’t know if he got a buzz from the WWE guys or what happened, but I was pissed at how we were treated by that one member of their staff, and then sent back our seats without so much as a “Our bad.” or “We’re sorry, enjoy your show.”

Still, when we got back to our seats, me and Rodney (one of the guys I met) were bragging that we had fought injustice, and won!