4/25 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – The Icon Returns, Hogan Confronts Bully Ray & Matt Morgan Wants a Shot at the World Title

TNA Impact Wrestling
April 25, 2013

James Storm kicks off Impact Wrestling in formal attire, and makes his way down to the ring. He addresses AJ Styles, who is standing in the crowd, and says that his new submission move hurts like hell. Storm calls Styles the better man last year, but he's not going to cry over spilled milk. He turns his attention to the Aces & Eights and says he wants to fight, but knows that means he's going to get jumped by six or seven guys. 

Chris Daniels and Kazarian come out and say they know the magic formula to take down the Aces & Eights, and it's Fortune. Kaz tells AJ to come down to the ring and reform Fortune, because it's the right thing to do. James Storm tells him to shut the hell up. Kaz calls The Cowboy "irrelevant" and Bad Influence beats him down, leaving him in the ring with a low blow as AJ Styles looks on. 

Now that he's down, the Aces & Eights make their way down to the ring and surround James Storm. They bring a table into the ring and Ken Anderson gets ready to powerbomb him through it. Joseph Park hits the ring and take out Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff, but the numbers game is too much for him. Storm rolls out of the ring and Bully Ray and Devon put Park through the table with a 3D instead. 

After a commercial break, Bully Ray and the Aces & Eights are still standing in the ring as medics take Joseph Park out on a stretcher. Bully says they are responsible for killing all our heroes, and now we have nobody. Not Sting, not Joseph Park, James Storm, Jeff Hardy, etc. The fans start to chant for "Hogan" and Bully calls him nothing more than his next victim, and gives him until the end of the show to answer his challenge.