4/15 WWE Monday Night Raw Results – Several Upset Victories, Henry Attacks Sheamus & CM Punk Walks Out Again

WWE RawWWE Monday Night Raw Results
April 15, 2013
Report by Mike Killam for WrestleZone.com

Raw opens tonight by hyping the main story lines including what happened last week with Ryback and John Cena, and the voice over notes that Ryback will reveal the reason why he attacked Cena.

The voice over also hypes that CM Punk will make his return to Raw tonight to address his loss to Undertaker, and the voice over questions what surprise Punk will have in store tonight.

The live show then opens with Randy Orton making his way to the ring for a 2 on 1 Handicap Match. Sheamus enters next, and him and Orton will take on Big Show.

2 on 1 Handicap Match: Randy Orton & Sheamus vs Big Show: The match starts with Sheamus in the ring against Big Show, and the two lock up. Sheamus moves out of the corner with a barrage of rights and left, but Big Show counters with a big side slam. Sheamus goes back to the strikes, but Show again knocks him down and Sheamus rolls to the outside. Sheamus gets the best of Show and Sheamus hits him on the ring apron with chest strikes. Sheamus climbs to the top rope and hits a big shoulder block, then goes for the Brogue Kick but misses and it tossed out of the ring by Show.

Back in the ring Show takes control and hits Sheamus with a bunch of chest slaps on the ropes, then hits the Final Cut for a two count. Sheamus tries to fight back but Show continues his attack then locks in a rear naked choke. Sheamus gets out, hits the ropes, but Show counters with another big side slam. Show goes up top in the corner for the splash, but Sheamus lifts him into a huge Electric Chair drop! Sheamus makes the tag to Orton, who unloads on Big Show. Orton then hits a drop kick to knock Show down, then hits a big boot followed by the top rope DDT. Orton calls for The RKO but show pushes him off, and goes for the Choke Slam. Sheamus enters and Brogue Kicks Show, Orton hits the RKO and gets the 1, 2, 3.

Winners: Randy Orton and Sheamus

The announcers then show a recap of Smackdown on Friday night and the Triple H/3MB/Shield segment.

We then cut to the back where Josh Mathews is with 3MB, who say they are going to the ring right now to call out The Shield.

We then head to commercial break…