John Morrison

Pro Wrestling Syndicate “Supercard 2013” Night Two Results (4/5) Metuchen, NJ

Lance Anoai def Sonjay Dutt with a Uranage slam.

Big Van Vader def AC Gamble following some strikes and a clothesline. Vader played to the crowd and hit a Vader Bomb, and pinned Gamble a second time

The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff came out next, and Nikolai Volkoff thanked everyone for coming tonight and said that they were one of the best tag teams of all time. Sheik put over his fans in New Jersey while Nikolai did the Russian National Anthem, then Sheik said he was unable to get in the ring. Sheik had a trainee with him and the trainee attacked Volkoff, and he put him in The Camel Clutch as Sheik ranted on Nikolai and said the trainee was his nephew and will be the new Iron Sheik.

Nova & Chris Chetti def Starman and Hurricane Helms when Nova hit a spike DDT on Starman.
Postmatch, Nova said Chris Chetti is his best friend and never got to have the career should have. He pointed out Chetti’s family in the crowd, and they got an ECW chant. Chetti thanked everyone in PWS for letting him come out and pointed out his kids.

Pat Buck def Tommy Dreamer with a legdrop off the ropes

Bonesaw won a Suicidal Seven Way Match following a TKO on Micah Taylor and top rope elbow drop

Dr Tom Prichard came out and said he was one half of one of the greatest teams of all time, the Heavenly Bodies. He said he has a team of great athletes that want to carry on the tradition, and introduces Gigolo Justin and the Don of Desire, Dustin, as the New Heavenly Bodies. Prichard issued an open challenge, which was answered by The Big O and a team that knows him well, the Rock N Roll Express. Prichard said it would happen as a six way if Big O put the Texas title on the line. (Justin and Dustin were formerly billed as “Enhancement Talent”. Prichard lost his Texas Heavyweight Championship to Big O at a PWS event in October of last year.)

Heavenly Bodies & Tom Prichard def Rock N’ Roll Express & Big O when one of the Bodies hit Big O with the Texas title and Prichard made the cover.

Kevin Matthews def Anthony Nese to retain the PWS Heavyweight Championship after a falling powerbomb into Backstabber. Nese cut an anti PWS promo before the match, telling the fans they should go watch him on the TNA One Night Only PPV, and opened his jacket to reveal an Impact Wrestling shirt.

The Big Deal Craig Steele def John Silver with a top rope splash

Alex Reynolds def Trent Barreta after holding Trent’s tights during a rollup

John Morrison def Jushin “Thunder” Liger after a springboard moonsault. ECW legend Sabu came out before the match and shook hands and watched from ringside

New Jack’s Final Match – New Jack def Necro Butcher in a hardcore match after Jack splashed Necro with a chair wrapped in light tubes. Postmatch, Jack thanked Necro and told a few stories about the Rock N Roll Express and Marty Jannetty (in attendance), and coming up with his name after watching New Jack City. Jack said he didn’t want to have to come back to wrestling after he was old and broken, and he is going out on his terms. He thanked the fans for loving him, and he couldn’t imagine having his last match anywhere but with PWS because they are a company who loves and respects him. He asked for the music guy to play a song written for him and rapped over it, then he thanked everyone and left the ring.