Jeff Jarrett

Report: The Very Latest on Jeff Jarrett’s Current Position & Status in TNA Wrestling

The report notes that Jarrett lost all his power in TNA back when Dixie Carter felt Jarrett lied to her about his relationship with Kurt Angle’s then-wife Karen Angle who is now married to Jarrett. At the end of 2011, both Karen and Jeff Jarrett were written off TNA TV so Jeff could focus on the Ring Ka King project in India.

When the Ring Ka King project was not renewed in India and the All Wheels Wrestling project for The Speed Channel failed, Jarrett was left with very little to do in TNA, and he has since worked on a few smaller projects outside the company including filming a scene for the movie “Spring Breakers.” It’s being said that both Eric Bischoff and Bruce Prichard were against the idea of bringing Jarrett back to TNA as an on-air talent.