12/6 Impact Wrestling Results – Roode Invests in Aces & Eights, Title Changes Hands & More!

TNA Impact Wrestling 
December 6, 2012

Results by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com!

A video package from last week's show kicks off the night, as per usual. It highlights Kurt Angle's relationship with Garrett Bischoff and the brand new TNA wrestler Wes Brisco. This transitions into the drama between Austin Aries, Bully Ray and Impact general manager Hulk Hogan. 

The video fades to black and the pyro hits in the Impact Zone, as we're live from Orlando, Florida! Bobby Roode's music hits and he makes his way out in a suit and tie. Chris Daniels and Kazarian come from behind and walk past the former World Champion on their way to the ring. 

Kazarian gets ahold of a microphone and talks about a dominant establishment in TNA Wrestling called Fortune. He says that's all in the past, and the future is all about victory this Sunday at Final Resolution. Bobby Roode gets the mic next and says that everyone likes to make guarantees about what they're going to do. But when the "it factor" makes a guarantee, it comes true. And he guarantees that after this Sunday, he will once again be our World Champion. He says he made a very important investment in his future, and very shortly Jeff Hardy will find out that it pays…to be Roode. 

Chris Daniels is up next, and he talks about being the winner in his "last match ever" with AJ Styles. He calls out his Final Resolution opponent to "chat" and the Impact Zone seems to like that idea. The "Phenominal One" makes his way out to a huge ovation as Daniels tells his friends to back off, because he's "got this". AJ gets on the mic and says that Chris has been jealous of him since day one. But not because he lied his way to the top, but because he earned everything he's ever got. AJ says that if Sunday is Daniels best day, and his worst day, Chris still couldn't get the job done. Daniels brings up all the losses Styles has suffered throughout 2012. He says AJ can't blame it on the Maffia, Obamacare or the Fallen Angel…it's because he's simply a loser. He calls his victory on Sunday "a reality". 

Styles says the "reality" is that Daniels talks way too much, and throws the first blow. The heels beat down on Styles until James Storm and Jeff Hardy make the save. The baddies escape and make their way to the back as Jeff Hardy's music hits and the faces beg their opponents to get back into the ring.