What’s NOT Bothering Me: CM Punk 365, Bobby Roode, NXT3

It's been a while since I've published the positive version of this feature, so how about I take a look at the things NOT bothering me in pro wrestling this week. Starting with…

NXT#3. The NXT Stars

Justin LaBar has returned from vacation and Dean Ambrose has finally made his much-anticipated (at least within the internet wrestling bubble) debut to WWE television. His recent appearances with the other two NXT stars – Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns – could ultimately lead to a little or a lot, depending on how Vince McMahon wants to go with it. My predictions regarding their future as a group have somewhat changed over the past week; allow me to explain why.

If they are simply meant to be puppets on CM Punk and/or Paul Heymans' string, then why the attack on Santino and Tyson Kidd during their match on Main Event last Wednesday? What does that have to do with Ryback, or Punk, or Heyman?

It felt more like an act of rebellion and something they would do on their own to prove a point. It could certainly suggest a bigger picture and a wider agenda for the group than just doing Punk's dirty work.

Tonight's interview with the NXT stars by Michael Cole will be very interesting. It will not only shed some light on their potential future, but it will also be the first time we get to hear Ambrose (and possibly the other two) talk on a national level. Will he carry the same demeanor and attitude he demonstrated in developmental up to the big leagues, or will it be something entirely different? I'm curious.

I wouldn't be surprised if the interview tonight is a major deciding factor in how Vince does in fact go with them in the future. If fans react positively and invest in whatever message they try to get over, a bigger investment could be made in them going forward. If not, Vince could scrap any big ideas he might have for the group and simply stick with Punk and Ryback as the group's primary focus.

Either way, color me intrigued, for now.


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