Impact Wrestling Results (8/30) – EY & ODB Return, BFG Series Down To Final Five, Aries Calls For A Fight

Storm knocks RVD down with a neckbreaker for a near fall, then RVD catches him with a stepover kick and follows with a roundhouse kick in the corner. RVD hits a springboard side kick, then he hits Rolling Thunder for a two count before Storm surprises him with a swinging DDT for a near fall. Storm pulls him up and hits Eye Of The Storm for another near fall, then he measures up RVD and punches him in the corner. RVD reverses an Irish Whip and follows with a monkey flip, then he staggers to his feet and does his signature pose near the ropes. RVD runs at Storm in the opposite corner and goes for another monkey flip, but Storm counters with a Last Call superkick for the win.

Winner – James Storm

Madison Rayne vs ODB

Madison Rayne heads to the ring and she says she got a call earlier this week from the 'almighty' Brooke Hogan. She says Brooke has come to her senses and granted her a Knockouts Title rematch, and she will get the title back that Taryn Terrell cost her. Madison says they are going to start right now, but ODB comes out and says she got a call from Brooke Hogan too. ODB says she is back and they are going to have a fight, but Madison tells Taryn to back her away. Madison says she's not ready, then she tells Taryn to ring the bell so she can make this 'trailer trash' famous for a few minutes. ODB spits whiskey in her face and splashes her in the corner, then she lifts her up and hits a fireman's carry cutter for the win.

Winner – ODB

Eric Young comes out after the match, and ODB inspects his new suit and asks him where the hell he was with her chicken and beer. EY says he's been in Hollywood and he became successful, but he has the chicken and beer and they should share it. ODB asks who the hell he is, and she says this isn't who he married and EY says it doesn't look right. He says he'll fix it and he starts to undress, then he gets down to his trunks and falls down. EY kips back up, then ODB jumps at him and makes out with him then they dance around and raise each other's arms.

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