Impact Wrestling Results (8/30) – EY & ODB Return, BFG Series Down To Final Five, Aries Calls For A Fight

Impact Wrestling Results

By Bill Pritchard for

August 30th 2012

After a recap of last week's show ending brawl, Austin Aries comes to the ring and says Aces and Eights deserves some credit. He says they pulled out all the stops and fooled everybody, and people are asking him what he will do now. Aries says the Aces may have smashed his hand up, but they made two miscalculations last week. He says he's not medically cleared to wrestle, but he doesn't need to be cleared to fight, and they smashed the wrong hand. Aries says he's left handed and that's the one he punches people with, so he's going to sit and wait for them because it seems like they are out for his title. Aries says he will sit here all night if has to, then Hulk Hogan and Sting come out and Hulk says he has a few things he needs to say. 

Hulk thanks Sting for running the show while he was gone, then he says they will have a bloodbath if the Aces really want to mess with him and his family. Hulk tells him they are only there for support, and Aries can do whatever he wants to, so Aries says he knows they want the same thing tonight. Aries says he doesn't care how it happens but he wants one of the Aces in the ring tonight, then the Aces cut him off on the big screen. The leader says he wants to thank Hulk and Sting for an opportunity, and he says they are having a lot of fun but they still do things on their terms. He says they actually come through on their promises, then he asks how Aries' arm is and he says Aries will find out what they are all about.

Bound For Glory Series

James Storm vs Rob Van Dam

Storm takes RVD down with a side headlock, then RVD tries to whip him into the ropes but Storm shifts his weight and keeps it locked in. RVD breaks it with a side suplex but Storm rolls through and reapplies it, then RVD gets back up and punches Storm in the stomach. He sends Storm into the ropes but Storm counters with a shoulder block, then he ducks a side kick and clotheslines RVD for a two count. Storm chops him in the corner then he stomps him on the mat, then the ref backs him away so Storm goes for a corner splash but comes up empty. RVD sends Storm to the apron and kicks him in the head, and Storm falls to the floor then RVD follows up with a slingshot crossbody block. (Cont'd…)


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