Recently Released Ivelisse Velez Denies Internet Reports On Having Bad Attitude

It was reported yesterday that was reporting FCW Diva and former Tough Enough contestant Ivelisse Velez was released due to having a bad attitude.

Saturday, on Wrestling Observer radio, Dave Meltzer said he heard from FCW sources that they considered Velez to have an "attitude problem." He explained Velez felt her her position in the organization wasn't appropriate to her talent level and had been vocal about not being promoted to the main roster.

While Velez no longer being with the company is true, she has spoken up on Twitter and called Meltzer's report a lie.

"It amazes me & breaks my <3 to have people says lies about me. Im 1 of the most humble person you'll ever meet. I & my people know #DaTrut," Vélez wrote Sunday. "So for the record: #No I DONT have an attitude or ego problem. #No Im NOT going to go on a rant & bad mouth @WWE. But #Yes I got screwed."

"Regardless though.. I am still endlessly grateful for all opportunities trusted upon me by @WWE during my time there. #CaseClosed."

The former Tough Enough star also tweeted those thoughts in Spanish. She then would retweet a fan who wrote:

"I dont believe you had an attitude. I believe is that you were confident in your abilities and wanted to prove yourself."

Finally, she tweeted to recently released A.W. regarding being fired from WWE.

"I got screwed too bro. #IFeelYaPain."