Impact Wrestling Results (8/2) – New KO’s #1 Contender, Chavo’s In Ring Debut, Storm/Angle BFG Series

Impact Wrestling Results

By Bill Pritchard for

August 2nd 2012

Bobby Roode & Zema Ion vs Austin Aries & Kenny King

Bobby Roode sees Austin Aries and Kenny King backstage when he says he has ten more days until his title comes back to him. Roode calls Aries a fluke and says he is going to the ring first, then he tells Zema Ion to follow him. Aries cuts him off and hits him, then they start brawling out onto the stage and around ringside to start the show. Aries gets Zema down long enough to go after Roode, and he jumps out to the floor from the top rope and he hits a double sledgehammer smash. They finally get things under control and ring the bell, then Zema hits a neckbreaker for a near fall before Aries hits a corner clothesline.

King and Aries team for a double airplane spin, then they chop Zema and King hits a springboard legdrop for a near fall before slingshotting him towards the ropes. Aries hits Zema with a forearm shot and gets another near fall, then Roode runs his mouth a bit and Aries hits a forearm shot and diving elbow. King gets back in and hits some shoulder blocks in the corner, then he whips Zema across the ring and hits a clothesline for a near fall. Aries continues the offense with an over the ropes corkscrew elbow drop, then King hits a suplex and follows with a ground and pound attack.

Roode punches King in the back but Zema takes out Roode by mistake, then Roode pulls King out of the ring and slams him into the side of the apron. Zema gets back on offense with a somersault dive, then Roode take another swing at King before rolling him back in. Roode tags in and cheap shots Aries, then he chops King in the corner before whipping him into the other corner. Roode hits a snap suplex and a knee drop, then he punches Aries on the apron and talks trash while Zema comes back in.  (Cont'd…)


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