Martinez Talks First-Ever Woman’s Casket Match, Shine Wrestling reader RockNSock5230 sent along the following …

Former WSU World Champion, and Shine Wrestling star Mercedes Martinez joined Kayfabe Wrestling Radio Tuesday Night. In a nearly 45 minute interview, she talked about her match with Jessicka Havok at WSU’s 5-Year Anniversary Show, the strange events that led to her WSU title loss to Havok, breaking ground as being part of the first women’s Casket Match, her preparations for the Casket Match, being part of Femme Fatales and her feelings about the Canadian wrestling crowds, her upcoming Steel Cage match with LuFisto, he involvement in Shine Wrestling, Sara Del Ray signing with WWE and so much more.

On her match at the 5th Anniversary event against Jessicka Havok- “I think it went off better than I expected. I think, going into that type of a match, not knowing what Jessicka Havok was capable of; I mean it was our first one-on-one match up, I didn’t know what to expect. I trained for many types of matches: ladders, cages, just anything goes type matches and this is one of the first matches that I didn’t know what to expect from (obviously) Havok. So, going into that match it was one of those anything goes, all out (matches); we had that heated feud going into this as well as a personal feud going into this, so it was all-out war, literally. We didn’t pull back; we literally gave each other everything we had in that match.

About being part of the first women’s Casket Match- “I think for Shawn (McCaffrey) as well as me, we had to figure out a way to end the feud. We did not know, I mean, obviously, everyone knows we’ve had a personal feud and a little bit of heat that had to get squashed and whatnot. Aside from personal stuff, professionally we had to figure out something that no one has done before that and something that WSU fans will enjoy. Considering Havok’s character, we had to figure out something that would pretty much work with her character, not so much mine but more hers. I mean, she is the champion and she is putting her title on the line and she had this demonic type character; That’s probably really how she is, psychotic in her ways and she would do anything to keep her title. And Shwan was basically, ‘Hey, you have to do a Casket match.’ And in the back of my mind, I’m going, ‘Great, just another match for me to go kill a bitch.’ “

Her costing Havok the WSU Spirit Championship earlier in the night- “I think it was a good idea on my part. I think that she has to have a taste of losing a title. It’s one of those things where Marti (Belle) literally fought Havok and Havok just killed her and Havok was not interested in wrestling Marti anymore. She was interested in defending her Spirit belt and she was more concerned with her World WSU title belt. For me, her goons kept on getting involved in the match with Marti, so it was retribution on my part saying ‘Hey, this girl deserves a one-on-one shot. She keeps getting screwed by the (Midwest) Militia and that was the only reason Havok was winning.’ I just took my shot, took my chance and went in there and cost her her title, and gave it to someone who deserves that title; someone I know that will bring prestige and class back to that title and would defend it and not have to worry about anybody jumping into her matches, or anything that sort. I think Marti is a great champion. Whether it helped Havok be more pissed off in my match, I really don’t care. Havok was more concerned about my match than Marti anyway, so one less title is not going to set her off or anything of that nature. I think it was a great move on my part; it just showed Havok I can play her games just as well as she plays her own; an eye for an eye.”

On her upcoming cage match against LuFisto at the Femme Fatales event- “In this instance, going into a cage match with LuFisto, it is the same mentality I know what a steel cage is all about; I know the injuries that can come from it, I know that I’m going to walk out battered and bruised. The only difference here is that this will be my third time wrestling LuFisto. unlike Angel Orsini, where she helped train me and we wrestled up and down the US and I know here very well. I don’t know LuFisto wrestling wise. The match we had July 7th, it was second time in about 4 or 5 years that I wrestled her. So, that familiarity that we have, there isn’t any because we don’t know anything about each other except for what we scout. I can sit here and watch LuFisto tapes all day long and all night long, but it still won’t prepare me for what she is capable of in the ring… she is and was known for being a hardcore Anime; that’s all she did for the bulk of her career, the beginning of her career that’s all she did. This is her type of element whereas I do these type of matches when the feud calls for it and I have to get that aggressive.”

What made her say yes to Shine Wrestling- “I think it’s a great concept, knowing you’re going to have EVOLVE involved with this as well as Shimmer involved with that; you know you’re going to get high caliber women’s wrestling here in Florida, something we don’t have… I think having Daffney being a part of this, and with her experience and how long she’s been in wrestling; just the insight on how shows are going to be like is a phenomenal idea. Even Lexie (Fyfe), who has traveled the world and has been an invaluable asset to wrestling; that right there is going to tell you they (Shine) knows women’s wrestling and they’re going to do whatever they can to make this company literally ‘Shine’ above the rest. They are going to do what they need to to ensure that this company will be successful.”

For more information on the Femme Fatales November 3rd event with Mercedes taking on LuFisto in a Steel Cage, go to and the Shine 1 debut event on July 20th at the Orpheum in Ybor City (Tampa), FL or on iPPV at For more on Shine Wrestling, check out their Facebook page at or on Twitter (@ShineWrestling) and WSU at or on Twitter (@WSUWrestling).