Live Raw Fan Report: Crowd Notes, More Off-Air Results

WWE RawThanks to Mike Bolin for sending this in:

Lilian welcomed us to the show, and sang America the beautiful.

Bray Wyatt (Husky Harris' new gimmick) He defeated Alex Riley in the opening dark match.

Kofi Kingston def. Michael McGillicutty. This was an AMAZING MATCH with really nice chain reversals.

As for your previous report, it was not a tag match between Primo and Epico and Primetime Players, it was a singles match between Epico and Darren Young with their respective teammates and managers on the outside. after interference from Titus O'Neil and A.W. Young picked up the 3 count.

When I re-watched Raw this morning I noticed they only showed Big Show come back to hit Clay once when in fact he returned twice to knock Clay out. The one they showed was the 2nd time he came out.

After the US title match Jack Swagger went to cut a promo and HHH's music hit. He came to the ring and hit a pedigree on Swagger. HHH then cut a promo on waiting for Lesnar, asking if Lesnar was scared to face him.

After Raw went off the air, Big Show poured water on cena and called out his partner Tensai. It was a quick handicap match with Cena gaining his superman powers and picking up the win quick. After the match Johnny Ace came out with a chair hit cena in the gut. Cena blocked a 2nd chair shot and hit an AA to end the show. Lillian sent us home afterwards.

Biggest Pops: Punk, HHH, Cena, Kane, Sid, Shamus and Ziggler

Biggest Heat: Big Show, Johnny Ace, Vicki, Jericho (after the main event), Del Rio, and Bryan


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